Phishing Assessment

A phishing test simulates an attacker targeting employees with messages that may contain malicious links, malware or other content that could compromise the sensitive data or network.

During the engagement, we will generate messages that resemble messages an attacker would send. We will send the messages to employees and will identify those who click on the message.

Our consultants will customize the type and complexity of the phishing test based on your needs.

Why is it important?

A phishing test can identify individuals that could be susceptible to a phishing compromise or social engineering.

What are the benefits?

A phishing test will help you:

  • Simulate a realistic phishing exercise
  • Identify individuals that could be susceptible to a phishing attack
  • Understand the potential risk of exploitation
  • Understand the efficiency of cyber awareness training
  • Implement additional training for those who are susceptible

What are our offerings?

Our consultants will discuss the scope, scenario and complexity of the test with you.

The deliverable includes a report summarizing the phishing test and outcome.

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